Winter in Michigan
/Winter in Michigan is a reflective time. A time to slow down and watch the snow fall across the evergreen tree in the back yard, drifting up against the white fence. To smile at the bold squirrel perched on the snow bank as I drove by, a nut gripped tight in its forepaws.
footprints in the snow
It is a time for ice fishing in the U.P in the brief Sturgeon season or ice skating downtown at Campus Martius. It is a time for counting down to Opening Day at Tiger Stadium and Greenfield Village.
It is a time to walk in the woods along the North Country Trail or bike with your fat tires along Huron River Drive past North Campus in Ann Arbor, leaving the crowded cafes and busy parking structures behind as the wind stings your face.
It is a time to work on puzzles, organize your travel photos, get out your campground guide, and reserve your spot at Wilderness State Park.
It is a time to spend all Saturday morning at the Upper Peninsula Children's Museum or walk around the still, silent grounds of the Cross in the Woods in Indian River, or admire the outdoor sculptures at the Solanus Casey Center.
Cross in the Woods Indian River photo courtesy A. Chromicz
It is a time to be still and let the power of nature once again pull you in and heal your heart that the world insists on breaking. Again.
Winter in Michigan